On 25/04/2021 20:25, Larry Garfield wrote:
It includes an implementation by Joe Watkins that is already about 95% 
complete.  (There's some edge cases he's still sorting out, but all of the 
typical cases should work already.)  Most of the design work comes from Levi 
Morrison and Paul Crovella.  I helped out with the tests, a few edge bits, and 
general instigator/nudge. :-)

Can I be a little pushy and ask for a subvote on "..." vs "...?"

It _probably_ won't matter, but with ... being used as the language's universal variadic / unpack, we may use it for similar things in the years to come, and I think it makes sense to pre-empt a potential conflict or source of confusion down the line by using "...?".

Just as a variadic function argument is ...$ a variadic partial closure would be ...?

I do not, at this time, have a firm example of where this might become a problem, otherwise I would state it. The closest I can think of for now is that it's entirely possible that auto-capturing multiline functions may end up using:

$x = function() use (...) { /* */ }

Which could possibly be confusing. Not a definiative example by any stretch, but but I do get the feeling that, as we can future proof it for effectively zero cost, we should.

Mark Randall

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