Le ven. 13 août 2021 à 11:35, Nicolas Grekas <nicolas.gre...@gmail.com> a
écrit :

> Hi everyone,
> I'm happy to announce that the vote for nullable intersection types is now
> open:
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/nullable_intersection_types
> It'll close in two weeks, on the 27th.
> Cheers,
> Nicolas

Hi Nicolas,

I am afraid that this is way too late for PHP 8.1. We are 2 weeks away from
RC 1 and we are in feature freeze.

I would recommend closing the vote and re-open it for PHP 8.2 unless I
missed something that justifies breaking the feature freeze rule.

@Joe, @Ben Ramsey <b...@benramsey.com>: your opinion?


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