On Mon, Dec 13, 2021, at 5:12 PM, Kirill Nesmeyanov wrote:

> I'll add that leading optional parameters are needed to implement 
> currying and partial application.
> ```
> function foo(int $opt = 42, int $req) {}
> $foo = curry(foo(...), 23);
> // $foo = fn($opt = 42, $req = 23);
> ```
> While this is not a popular practice in PHP, this deprecation 
> notification «breaks» all code that uses functional pradigm/concepts.
> --
> Kirill Nesmeyanov

This is simply untrue, and I have not seen any code that does currying in that 
fashion.  If anything, trailing optional arguments are what make currying 
difficult as it's unclear when to "stop" and invoke the underlying function.  
(The previous PFA RFC had that solved.)

I do not like the original proposal here either, though.  If we decide we want 
to allow an argument to require that it be called named, that should have an 
explicit keyword to indicate such.  It should not be an implicit trick of 
otherwise confusing argument ordering.

--Larry Garfield

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