Den 2022-01-02 kl. 00:17, skrev Craig Francis:
On Thu, 2 Dec 2021 at 15:19, Sara Golemon <> wrote:

On Thu, Dec 2, 2021 at 8:48 AM Craig Francis <>

Is there any value in me proposing an RFC to update *some* internal
functions so they can accept NULL?

I'm not hard against this idea.  The interpretation of null in these
contexts as being equivalent to empty string isn't unreasonable.  I guess
the only objection I could have would be an academic one and I can't really
defend that.  So yeah, sure... why not?

Thanks Sara,

I've spent a few days coming up with a short(ish) list of parameters that
are likely to receive `NULL`.

The focus is on making it easier for developers to upgrade to newer
versions of PHP. I'm thinking of the typical developer, probably using
WordPress, isn't using Psalm (at levels 1 to 3, with no baseline), and
isn't using `strict_types`; where they don't really have the time to add
strval() to everything that could be NULL.

Draft RFC:

And the list, where I'm proposing we only relax this requirement for the
*bold* parameters:

I'll give it a few weeks to see if there are any parameter suggestions
(welcome via email, pull request, carrier pigeon, etc), then I'll start
looking for the best way to implement this.


PS; starting new thread, as I have gone a bit off topic, original one at:


Thanks for this RFC! I think it could interesting to see how libraries
that needs to adapt to this are doing it IRL.

One example I have seen how to fix this for e.g. substr is to replace:
$result = substr($string, 0, $length)
$result = substr($string ?? '', 0, $lenght)

So the null coalescing operator comes in quite handy ;-) Now if this is
a good way to solve it is another matter. But if you are a maintainer of
a library that works fine and wants to support PHP 8.1 this will solve
the upgrade in a smooth way.

Would be interesting to see how common this approach is for solving
PHP 8.1 upgrades for non-nullable arguments with internal functions?

I mean, it shows the value with the RFC from a slightly another angle.

Regards //Björn

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