On 20.02.2022 at 21:38, Craig Francis wrote:

> On Sat, 1 Jan 2022 at 23:17, Craig Francis <cr...@craigfrancis.co.uk> wrote:
>> Draft RFC:
>> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/allow_null
> I've been over-complicating this... why should NULL be treated so
> differently?
> <?php
>   $values = ['a', 1, 2.3, false, NULL];
>   foreach ($values as $value) {
>     echo urlencode($value);
>   }
> ?>
> It just struck me, this whole thing is about type coercion when not using
> `strict_types=1`; and the 8.1 change has introduced an inconstancy by
> deprecating the coercion of NULL, a frequently used value.

That "inconsistency" had been introduced with PHP 7.0.0, i.e. right when
scalar type declarations have been introduced.  Passing a null to a
non-nullable parameter of a *userland* function throws a TypeError:
<https://3v4l.org/lbF4h>.  As of PHP 8.1.0, internal functions behave
the same as userland function in this regard.

Christoph M. Becker

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