On Mon, Feb 21, 2022 at 5:32 PM Craig Francis <cr...@craigfrancis.co.uk>

> On Mon, 21 Feb 2022 at 09:04, Christoph M. Becker <cmbecke...@gmx.de>
> wrote:
> > That "inconsistency" had been introduced with PHP 7.0.0, i.e. right when
> > scalar type declarations have been introduced.  Passing a null to a
> > non-nullable parameter of a *userland* function throws a TypeError
> >
> Thanks Christoph, that's a good way of looking at it.
> Considering NULL has been passed to these internal function parameters for
> years, for a variety of reasons, and PHP has coerced it into an empty
> string, integer 0, float 0, or boolean false... I'm wondering if my RFC
> should focus on matching that expectation, so anyone not using
> `strict_types=1` does not need to make loads of hard-to-find/unnecessary
> edits; that way NULL would be treated the same as the other variable types
> (I appreciate arrays and objects don't get coerced, but I don't think
> anyone expects them to).

Yes, exactly that.
A few weeks ago when the issue was mentioned again I had to remember by
trying on 3v4l myself that using null for a string parameter wasn't an
automatically coerced case when strict_types = 0.

In my view, false would have the same problem for those internal functions.
Why should it be coerced to an empty string?
https://wiki.php.net/rfc/deprecate_null_to_scalar_internal_arg#proposal is
all about removing the automatic coercion that was happening for null in
the internal functions
Planning that in PHP 9 the type interpretation for internal function will
be done the same as for user defined functions. Consistency.

Right now, if a parameter type is defined as string in an user function, no
matter what strict_type is configured, it would still result in a TypeError
when passing null.
For internal functions, even if the parameter type is defined as string,
null would be passed and a coercion would happen.

As I mentioned, coercing false to int would be for me almost as bad as
coercing null to int.
But when types are not considered important I think it's worth pursuing
extending the coercion from null to the 4 other types where it's happening
right now:
- int as 0,
- float as 0.0,
- string as an empty string
- bool as false.

I don't like it and I have no good idea how that would work as it would be
a pretty big BC break.

Maybe it would be easier to change strict_types to default to 1 in PHP 9
along with adding the null coercion for null when strict_types is 0 rather
than inventing a new strict_types value like -1 that would allow null
coercion as well.
Starting with a notice in PHP 8.2 when the directive is not present might
be an interesting starting point. And no more warning for implicit coercion
when strict_types=0 directive is explicitly defined as it would not change
anymore in PHP 9.


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