Hello internals.

In these dark days for humanity, we as people of civilization, people of sanity, kind and caring people with children and families - we have to speak up, loud and clear, in support for Ukraine. To stop Russian aggression.

I suggest to add Ukranian flag and a supportive anti-war disclaimer to the header of php.net website.

Why is this important? There are a lot of PHP developers in Russia. A lot of them, sadly, have been brainwashed by Putin's propaganda. They still must have a lot of respect to PHP authors and creators. Seeing that these people, who have their respect, are against the war and for the freedom of Ukraine, might have an impact.

This is not the time to "stay away from politics", we are experiencing an attack on humanity itself. Take example from <https://junit.org/junit5/> and their clear statement.

Say NO to war!

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