Hello All,

In June 2020, Benas Seliuginas emailed this list (
https://externals.io/message/110755#110755) to gauge interest in typed
constants. An RFC (https://wiki.php.net/rfc/typed_class_constants) was
started and had an accompanying PR (https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/5815).
At the time, Nikita Popov supported it for overall language consistency,
and Sebastian Bergmann +1'd it for overall language consistency as well.
The PR has since been closed without being merged, and the idea hasn't
progressed since.

I'd like to revisit the concept, gauge current interest, and pick the
concept and work back up. Any more discussion items for or against the idea?

I'm willing to do the work to pick it up where it was left off and get an
RFC proposed through the normal process, and a working PR. This is my first
foray into the PHP RFC process, and C code is not my forte, but I'll take
it on. If anyone would be willing to pair/mentor/co-author with me, please
let me know. Either way, I'll plan to work on it.

This is the first of several concepts I have been tinkering with and seeing
practical uses for. The next phase of work with different RFC would take
this further with const inheritance, where const type must match.

- Mark

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