On Wed, Mar 23, 2022, at 1:54 PM, Mark Niebergall wrote:
> Hello All,
> In June 2020, Benas Seliuginas emailed this list (
> https://externals.io/message/110755#110755) to gauge interest in typed
> constants. An RFC (https://wiki.php.net/rfc/typed_class_constants) was
> started and had an accompanying PR (https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/5815).
> At the time, Nikita Popov supported it for overall language consistency,
> and Sebastian Bergmann +1'd it for overall language consistency as well.
> The PR has since been closed without being merged, and the idea hasn't
> progressed since.
> I'd like to revisit the concept, gauge current interest, and pick the
> concept and work back up. Any more discussion items for or against the idea?
> I'm willing to do the work to pick it up where it was left off and get an
> RFC proposed through the normal process, and a working PR. This is my first
> foray into the PHP RFC process, and C code is not my forte, but I'll take
> it on. If anyone would be willing to pair/mentor/co-author with me, please
> let me know. Either way, I'll plan to work on it.
> This is the first of several concepts I have been tinkering with and seeing
> practical uses for. The next phase of work with different RFC would take
> this further with const inheritance, where const type must match.
> - Mark

Is there a benefit to it other than "well everything else has types now, 
so..."?  Even if it's esoteric, like in reflection-based meta programming?  
(I've been dabbling too much in that lately. :-) )  "Everything else does" 
isn't a compelling argument for me, but there may be others I'm not thinking of.

--Larry Garfield

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