2022年6月14日(火) 9:01 Go Kudo <g-k...@colopl.co.jp>:

> Hello internals.
> Voting began on 2022-06-14 00:00:00 (UTC) and will end on 2022-06-28
> 00:00:00 (UTC).
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/rng_extension
> The implementation is not yet complete and has some issues.
> See TODO in Pull Request for details.
> https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/8094
> Best Regards,
> Go Kudo

Hello internals.

Thank you for voting for RFC.

Now, as Tim pointed out *1, there are several problems with the current RFC
However, the RFC is already in the voting phase, and it is not advisable to
change the content now.

I have drafted a new RFC to fix this.


I was hesitant to create a new RFC page while the current RFC was still in
the early voting stage,
but I thought it was time to do it now, given the lack of progress in
previous discussions and the upcoming PHP 8.2 Feature Freeze.

If the content is acceptable, we would like to change the status of the RFC
to Under Discussion and make an
announcement thread to internals ML. Can anyone review the content?

*1: https://externals.io/message/117939#117955

Best Regards
Go Kudo

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