2022年6月16日(木) 19:56 Guilliam Xavier <guilliam.xav...@gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> > https://wiki.php.net/rfc/random_extension_improvement
> Thanks; some editorial remarks:
>   - I think "Engine is not final" should rather be "Engine
> implementations are not final", and similarly in the text: "Even if
> the native class is made final" to "Even if the native classes are
> made final", "and the native implementation of the class should be
> marked as final" to "and the native implementations of the interface
> should be marked as final"
>   - The sentence "The engine already provides an interface with only a
> generate(): string method called Random\Engine." sounds weird, maybe
> rather "The extension already provides a Random\Engine interface with
> a single generate(): string method."?
>   - "Proposal" is a subsection inside "Introduction", it should rather
> be a root section (at the same level as "Backward Incompatible
> Changes")
>   - What would be the signature of Randomizer::pickKey()? (whatever
> the naming, important is parameters and return types) -- I guess the
> same as existing array_rand(), but better be explicit
> Regards,
> --
> Guilliam Xavier

Hi Xavier.

Thanks very much for the detailed point of view. I am very ashamed of my
poor English.
Maximum thanks!

I have corrected all the points you pointed out.

Go Kudo

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