On Thu, Jun 16, 2022 at 2:10 AM Pierrick Charron <pierr...@php.net> wrote:

> For a long time, ext/curl worked with handles as "curl resources" and
> functions mapped to the libcurl functions, but since PHP8.0 "curl
> resources" were converted to opaque classes with no methods. So my main
> goal here is to come up with a solution for the new Curl URL API, but maybe
> also to be consistent, make some changes to existing curl classes like
> `CurlHandle` to add methods and improve the current state of the extension.
This is so bizarre, I *know* I wrote an OOPified cURL extension some years
ago (called it curli), and now I can't find it anywhere.  What universe am
I even in?

Anyway, +1 on making a whole new OOPified cURL implementation.    $ch =
(new CurlHandle($uri))->setOpt(Curl::OPT_METHOD, 'post')->perform();
Let it throw exceptions, do proper type checks, all the goodness.  Let the
procedural APIs behave differently than the object methods and that's okay.

cURL is a foundational extension in PHP and I respect the choices that were
made in its API design, but it's 2022, and we deserve a better ext/curl.


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