On 20.06.2022 at 15:13, Pierrick Charron wrote:

> Thanks again for your comments. PHP8.2 is going to be feature freeze in
> exactly one month now and as the currently proposed improvements have not
> received any interest (and that's OK), I will put those aside for the
> moment and come back with a new approach that I hope will be better for the
> future release (8.3 ?)
> However, about the new Curl URL API, I think it's still time to finalize
> the discussions and include it in the 8.2 release as it allows us to solve
> some potential security issues.
> What do you think ? Do you see any interest in adding the new CurlUrl class
> in PHP8.2 ? Again currently proposed implementation can be found here [1]
> and is waiting for your new comments.
> Pierrick
> [1]
> https://github.com/adoy/php-src/pull/1/files#diff-5bd329a70f563b5b6eded3b710514a4fac605329087a7bd118e40f80b9fc8ee3

Given that designing a new OO API obviously isn't uncontroversial, and
that there are only four weeks left till feature freeze, it might be
best to go with a simple procedural API for PHP 8.2 only.  This can be
marked as being experimental, and can still be deprecated in one of the
next minors.  That's not nice for early adopters, but still seems better
than to not introduce the CURL URL API in PHP 8.2, and certainly is
better than to rush some OO API.


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