Hi Sara

> This is so bizarre, I *know* I wrote an OOPified cURL extension some years
> ago (called it curli), and now I can't find it anywhere.  What universe am
> I even in?

I don't know but if you pass through the parallel universe where Curli is,
I'm interested.

> Anyway, +1 on making a whole new OOPified cURL implementation.    $ch =
> (new CurlHandle($uri))->setOpt(Curl::OPT_METHOD, 'post')->perform();
> Let it throw exceptions, do proper type checks, all the goodness.  Let the
> procedural APIs behave differently than the object methods and that's okay.
> cURL is a foundational extension in PHP and I respect the choices that
> were made in its API design, but it's 2022, and we deserve a better
> ext/curl.

I hope you don't mind, I took some of your code from your "Enable
strict_types checking for curl_setopt()" pull request [1] to do some test
on introducing this but only on the OOP API. It's working very well [2].
Can I know why this PR was closed ? Any issues ? Or was it more because it
was too much of a change for the procedural API ?


[1] https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/2495
[2] https://github.com/adoy/php-src/pull/2

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