On Thu, 26 Aug 2004 06:54:38 +0200, David Zülke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If you develop software, be it open or closed sourced, and this software
becomes a great success, you bear some responsibility. Microsoft with it's
95% browser market share (and I don't care if it's 80%, 10%, 99%, whatever,
that's not the point here) has the responsibility to continue development of
Internet Explorer, because otherwise the progress in web technology (I'm
talking about client-side stuff here, CSS, XHTML, foo, bar) basically
stalls, as there is no way you can convince all IE users to move over to

Actually, MS has a responsibility to make money, and as you said, there is no way get everybody over to FF. Improving standards support cannot possibly help MS in any way, while it can hurt them greatly (by lowering IE marketshare, due to it being easier to switch to other browsers.) It is entirely to thier advantage to lock everyone into IE, and therefore windows, as it is the only way they will come remotely close to making a profit on IE.


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