On Mon, Apr 10, 2023, 1:17 PM Pierre Joye <pierre....@gmail.com> wrote:

> hello,
> On Sun, Apr 9, 2023, 1:37 AM Stephan Soller <stephan.sol...@helionweb.de>
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm sorry if this isn't the correct mailing list for that discussion but
> I
> > couldn't find a more appropriate one where people actually know how the
> > wind is
> > blowing.
> >
> > A few days ago I migrated a project from PHP 7.1 to 8.2 and the amount of
> > deprecations and fatal errors spooked me a bit (details below if you're
> > interested). That got me wondering about the long-term stability of PHP
> > (as in
> > language and API breaks) and I looked at the RFCs. I got the impression
> > that
> > static typing has a lot of traction now and I have no idea of what the
> > fallout
> > might be of changing a dynamically typed language into a statically
> > typed one.
> I keep reading this in multiple languages, pr even more frameworks.
> I understand agency work, managers pushing new features instead of a
> cleaning some legacy.
> however years of ignoring deprecation notices (very few were introduced
> right before 8.0).
> Most of them could have been fixed within a couple of hours in any code
> base, if they had tests.
> I would suggest, very very nicely, to review and rethink the development
> flows of these projects instead of asking php to freeze.
> best,
> Pierre

I resent the sentiment of "if your code or development process was exactly
like mine you wouldn't be here complaining" and I believe nobody is asking
PHP to freeze. Not everyone has the ability to fix every deprecation within
a couple of hours and not everyone has tests. Yes, we get it, it's common
knowledge nowadays that code without test is unmanageable, but if you
inherited a 15 year old codebase developed by multiple developers in a
start-up mentality producing code faster than they could actually plan for
and with no tests, its going to take some time to clean that up and if I
take longer than you would, does it mean I matter less as a PHP user?

PHP 8 is pretty great to work with and a lot better than previous versions,
but there was no opt-in aspect to a lot of PHP breakages. All that we're
asking here is for a bit more forgiveness to existing code that was
developed 2 decades ago by a complete different generation and still need
to run today while we clean it up.


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