On Tue, Apr 11, 2023, 1:30 AM Deleu <deleu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I resent the sentiment of "if your code or development process was exactly
> like mine you wouldn't be here complaining" and I believe nobody is asking
> PHP to freeze. Not everyone has the ability to fix every deprecation within
> a couple of hours and not everyone has tests. Yes, we get it, it's common
> knowledge nowadays that code without test is unmanageable, but if you
> inherited a 15 year old codebase developed by multiple developers in a
> start-up mentality

This is wrong in so many levels Agility mindset, startup or not, does not
prevent to do the required cleanups.

These, by the way, are yearly,  worst case.

producing code faster than they could actually plan for and with no tests,
> its going to take some time to clean that up and if I take longer than you
> would, does it mean I matter less as a PHP user?
> PHP 8 is pretty great to work with and a lot better than previous
> versions, but there was no opt-in aspect to a lot of PHP breakages. All
> that we're asking here is for a bit more forgiveness to existing code that
> was developed 2 decades ago by a complete different generation and still
> need to run today while we clean it up.

Many things that will actually break codes (removal of features f.e.), have
been deprecated for years.

as it has been mentioned, many distributions provide longer support for
older php versions.

If you want the latest php version, you will have to prepare for it,
constantly and changing, cleaning your code constantly.  This is done as
part of the daily feature additions, no need to ask a PO or whoever else,
just add it to your estimates (if you still use them).

However, asking, as nicely as you did, the volunteers here to do it for you
as the language level, won't work.



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