multiple times per week now, i get this Security
Sicherheitsüberprüfung captcha page when visiting and it's
really annoying to solve that captcha multiple times per week.
"PHP is that annoying language where you have to solve captchas just
to read the documentation"
is not the experience we want to give users, and as ChatGPT puts it

>>lead to negative perceptions of PHP as a language, as well as decreased 
>>productivity among developers who would have to spend extra time overcoming 
>>the verification obstacles to access the documentation. It would also make it 
>>more difficult for new developers to learn PHP, which could ultimately have a 
>>negative impact on the growth and adoption of the language

fwiw for those of you lucky enough to not get the captcha page, it
looks like
Also I'm not sure why its in German - i dont speak German, and my
Accept-Lanaguage header says
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9,nb;q=0.8,no;q=0.7,vi;q=0.6

(where en-US is English, and nb is Norwegian Bokmål, and no is
Norwegain, and vi is Vietnamese. German isn't even on the
accept-language list!)

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