> Le 29 août 2023 à 02:46, Saki Takamachi <s...@sakiot.com> a écrit :
> Hello.
> I’m Saki Takamachi.
> Inspired by the issue below, I'm thinking of proposing this RFC.
> https://github.com/php/php-src/issues/12055
> As the documentation below states, PHP's internal functions currently ignore 
> strict_types.
> https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.declarations.php#language.types.declarations.strict
> I think the current spec is not intuitive,
> so I propose changing the behavior of the macro ZEND_ARG_USES_STRICT_TYPES() 
> to allow internal functions to accept strict_types.
> I plan to make changes in zend_compile.h and zend_compile.c and do the 
> changes myself, I haven't written any tests yet, but I'm thinking about 
> making changes like this.
> https://github.com/SakiTakamachi/php-src/pull/1
> As per How To Create an RFC, I will first try to gauge response to this 
> proposal on the mailing list.
> Thank you
> Saki Takamachi


The larger issue is that higher-order functions do not inherit the 
`strict_types` mode from its calling code, and this is not specific to internal 

If you intend to change that for internal functions (with proper deprecation 
period, of course), you might consider making such a behaviour also possible 
for userland functions (probably using some opt-in); so that future 
higher-order internal functions do not become impossible to polyfill.

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