Voting has now been simplified to 3x  no/php 8.4/php 9.0 questions.
(I actually would've preferred the original 6, would have been
unambiguous if people are supposed to checkbox only 8.4 or both 8.4
and 9.0, and would have been easier to see the % of people who voted
only 9.0, I think. But I don't care enough about it to actually fight
for it, and multiple people requested it be reduced to 3, so let's go
with that :) )

>That said, thanks for making this, it's something I'd like to see in PHP as 

Happy to hear it :)

> - Instead of using backticks, use `<php>sleep()</php>` for inline and
`<PHP>…</PHP>` for multi-line snippets. This comes with syntax
highlighting and documentation links.
> - It would help readability if you'd use additional headlines for each
of the three sub-proposals within the Proposal section.

I don't want to spend too much effort on nitpicks, but if someone
volunteers to improve it, I'd be happy to add it, in which case please
send a PR to

> For (2) it would help if you'd explain what it means for sleep() to be
interrupted and how this can happen. I believe this is signal-handling
related, but writing it out explicitly for the folks that didn't yet
encounter it would probably make sense.

I'm not an expert, but when researching this on Windows 10 + PHP 8.3.2,
I couldn't actually get it to return 192. (nor return anything except 0):
- When sending a WM_CLOSE message (equivalent to `taskkill /IM
php.exe`), it was just completely ignored: PHP kept sleeping.
- When doing a TerminateProcess() call (equivalent to `taskkill /IM
php.exe /F`), PHP was just terminated, sleep never returned.
- When sending a CTRL_C_EVENT (equivalent to ctrl+C), PHP just
terminated, sleep never returned.
- When sending a CTRL_BREAK_EVENT (equivalent to ctrl+Break), PHP just
terminated, sleep never returned.

I don't know how to make it return 192 on Windows.. Anyone know?

>For the "Unaffected PHP Functionality" you could just spell out that anything 
>that is not the sleep() function will be unaffected

meh, someone else pointed out that the irrelevant sections could be
removed, I removed the "Unaffected PHP Functionality" section (along
with 2-3 others)

> I'd just put a single "Do all of this in the next minor" vote there. All
>of the suggested improvements make sense to me and the breaking changes
>are mostly theoretical.

meh, I don't want to risk the RFC getting rejected because too many
people thought it should be done in next.major instead of next.minor,
let's keep both next.minor + next.major vote options. (You're probably
right, I predict a majority vote for next.minor for all 3, but i'll
keep the vote options just in case.)

>I don't think I've ever seen anything using the return value of sleep().

same here.

>Don't forgot to open up a dedicated explicit discussion thread once you move 
>it into the "Discussion" phase.

How would I even do that? Linking to isn't sufficient?

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