On Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 1:35 PM Rowan Tommins [IMSoP] <imsop....@rwec.co.uk>

> Where things get more complicated is with *fixed-precision* decimals,
> which is what is generally wanted for something like money. What is the
> correct result of decimal(1.03, precision: 2) / 2 - decimal(0.515, 3)?
> decimal(0.51, 2)? decimal (0.52, 2)? an error? And what about decimal(10) /
> 3?
> If you stick to functions / methods, this is slightly less of an issue,
> because you can have decimal(1.03, 2)->dividedBy(2, RoundingMode::DOWN) ==
> decimal(0.51, 2); or decimal(1.03, 2)->split(2) == [ decimal(0.52, 2),
> decimal(0.51, 2) ] Example names taken directly from the brick/money
> package.
> At that point, backwards compatibility is less of an issue as well: make
> the new functions convenient to use, but distinct from the existing ones
I came back to this discussion after my last reply on the BCMath as an
object thread, because we went through a very similar discussion there with
regard to operators.

I think that, roughly, the fixed precision should be defined on the scalar


1.234 is the value, _d makes it a decimal type, and 3 shows that this value
has a precision of 3. (Actually, it has a SCALE of 3, since precision is
significant digits, and also includes the integer portion). But when it
comes to fixed-precision values, it should follow rules very similar to
those we discussed in the BCMath thread:

- Addition and subtraction should return a value that is the largest
scale/precision of any operands in the calculation.
- Division and multiplication should return a value that is the sum of the
scale/precision of any operands + 2 or a default (perhaps configurable)
value if the sum is small, to ensure that rounding occurs correctly. Near
zero, floats have about 12-ish decimal digits of accuracy, and will return
their full accuracy for example.
- Pow is extremely difficult to work with if you allow a decimal in the
exponent. The libraries we have discussed previously handle this
difficulty, but the precision needed often depends on what the calculation
is for, so I'm not entirely sure what the best way to handle this with
operators would be. Minimally, probably the same as division and

But if we have scalar decimal types, we need something like that _d12 to
denote a decimal scalar with a scale/precision of 12.


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