On Tue, Dec 12, 2023, at 1:03 PM, G. P. B. wrote:

> The issue is that I don't think having arbitrary precision decimals as a
> core language feature is a necessity compared to rational types.
> A cast from rational to float wouldn't produce a large round trip, whereas
> trying to figure out arbitrary precision is more difficult.
> But in any case, having a declare/INI or whatever that changes the
> behaviour of the engine/language is not a good design choice.

I don't have strong feelings about arbitrary precision decimals either way, but 
I do strongly agree with this point.  Having the language behavior (including 
the precision of numbers) change with an ini setting is long-understood to be a 
bad idea, and we've been trying to phase it out.  A decimal feature that relies 
on a language-affecting ini setting is just not going to fly these days, IMO, 
and rightly so.

I am curious, GB, if you're proposing an actual `rational` type, which stores 
values internally as just numerator and denominator separately until some point 
when it renders down to a float (eg, on print)?  That sounds neat, though I am 
nowhere near expert enough in that area to say what ugly edge cases that might 
run into.

--Larry Garfield

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