On 04/04/2024 02:29, Jordan LeDoux wrote:
But when it comes to fixed-precision values, it should follow rules very similar to those we discussed in the BCMath thread:

- Addition and subtraction should return a value that is the largest scale/precision of any operands in the calculation. - Division and multiplication should return a value that is the sum of the scale/precision of any operands + 2 or a default (perhaps configurable) value if the sum is small, to ensure that rounding occurs correctly. Near zero, floats have about 12-ish decimal digits of accuracy, and will return their full accuracy for example.

I haven't followed the discussion in the other thread, but I'm not sure what the use case would be for a "fixed scale decimal" that followed those rules.

As mentioned before, the use case I've encountered is money calculations, where what people want to fix is the smallest unit of account - e.g. €0.01 for practical currency, or €0.0001 for detailed accounting / trading.

If I write $total = 1.03_d2; $perPerson = $total / 2; I want a result of 0.51_d2 or 0.52_d2 - that's why I specified a scale of 2 in the first place.

If I want an accurate result of 0.515_d3, I would just specify 1.03_d, since the scale hasn't had any effect on the result.

If I want a lossless split into [0.51_d2, 0.52_d2] I still need a function to exist somewhere, whether you spell that $total->split(2), or decimal_split($total, 2), etc. So it seems safer to also have $total->div(2, Round::DOWN) or decimal_div($total, 2, Round::DOWN) and have $total / 2 give an error.

Possibly, it could only error if the result doesn't fit in the scale, so that this would be fine: $total = 11.00_d2; $perPerson = $total / 2; assert($perPerson === 5.50_d2)

Or possibly, it would just be an error to perform division on a fixed scale decimal, but allowed on a variable-fixed scale decimal.

Rowan Tommins

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