On Tue, 30 Apr 2024 at 12:07, Matteo Beccati <p...@beccati.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> > If MariaDB wants to maintain a specific PDO Driver they can do so
> > themselves and publish it on PECL, same as how CUBRID (and others) does
> > currently.
> That is true, however it's mysqlnd the part that deals with the network
> protocol, which they wouldn't be able to modify from PECL. That said,
> I'm not an expert on mysql/maria, but I also doubt the changes are
> significant enough that they need a separate driver.

 I wasn't proposing rolling a separate driver or anything like that, just
an alias that would reserve a namespace for MariaDB and if there's ever a
need to actually roll the driver, that alias be replaced with actual driver.
The thing is at this point MySQL and MariaDB have a different set of
additional capabilities that are not compatible between the two. Doctrine,
at this point, actually makes a distinction between MariaDB and MySQL -
those are considered different databases.
This would allow people to use MariaDB and MySQL-specific functionality by
using the respective driver namespace and remove any confusion about if
this works with both or only one of them.

I know it seems to be out of scope, but this deals with PDO subclass names
and this seems to be a thing to consider here. Sure, we can have a separate
RFC about it, but I think this is the right moment to handle this question.


Arvīds Godjuks
+371 26 851 664
Telegram: @psihius https://t.me/psihius

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