On Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 3:22 PM Stephen Reay <php-li...@koalephant.com> wrote:
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On 23 Apr 2024, at 22:35, Bilge <bi...@scriptfusion.com> wrote:
> > On 23/04/2024 10:25, Stephen Reay wrote:
> >> The argument that "Client" is meaningless becomes pretty moot when you 
> >> realise that you can import a *namespace* and use it relatively, if you so 
> >> wish:
> >>
> >> ```
> >> import MyLib\HTTP;
> >>
> >> $a = new HTTP\Client(...);
> >> ```
> >
> > Hi Stephen,
> >
> > Granted, but I also believe the user can and should have the reasonable 
> > expectation that they can work comfortably (without conflicts or aliases) 
> > using leaf (class) names exclusively.
> >
> > Kind regards,
> > Bilge
> I'm sorry but I think you've missed the entire point of namespaces if you 
> want class names to all be universally unique without their namespace 
> component.
> The referenced RFC gives clear examples of how a class with a prefix would be 
> converted to a namespace and class.

As someone who currently works in a codebase with hundreds of *\Mapper
classes, I feel your pain. However, 99% of the time, people are going
to be using a single database implementation at a time per
file/context. If you do find yourself in an edge case where you have
multiple database implementations in the same file, aliases work for
that case.

Robert Landers
Software Engineer
Utrecht NL

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