On 21/05/2024 21:58, Claude Pache wrote:
>> Le 21 mai 2024 à 21:00, Matthew Weier O'Phinney <mweierophin...@gmail.com> a 
>> écrit :
>>     (But again, I prefer that all those methods work on instances, as it was 
>> the case before PHP 8. They shouldn’t have been switched to 
>> static-but-broken-for-subclasses without discussion.)
>> Fixing the existing ones would be a potential BC break, depending on whether 
>> or not instance usage is completely eliminated.
> Yes, of course. But there exist options that don’t make the API even more 
> inconsistent than it already is. I hereby propose:
> * `XMLReader::fromUrl()` as replacement for `(new XMLReader)->open()`
> * `XMLReader::fromString()` as replacement for `(new XMLReader)->xml()`
> … which would make me happy. (The old, inconsistently-named, 
> instance-and-semi-broken-static methods could be kept for BC and marked as 
> soft-deprecated in the manual.)
> —Claude 

Okay, that seems reasonable to me and I can do that.
I'll make them return static and do "new static()" like I proposed with the new 
static method.

For XMLWriter, I suppose we also want the static counterparts:
* `XMLWriter::toMemory()` for `(new XMLWriter)->openMemory()`
* `XMLWriter::toUri()` for `(new XMLWriter)->openUri()`

If that sounds good I'll update the RFC.


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