On Thu, Jun 27, 2024, at 09:41, Rob Landers wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 27, 2024, at 04:15, Michael Morris wrote:
>> Hello all. This is a ramble of an idea that's managed to run around my head 
>> for a few days now. It isn't fully formed, but I've ran the thought 
>> experiment as far as I can on my own and want to share it with all of you.
>> I've mostly been a lurker and I've seen a lot of RFC's come and go. Of those 
>> not accepted many have been passed over because of background compatibility. 
>> And then there is the issue that PHP has multiple design flaws that seem 
>> impossible to get rid of. Finally, I sense from conversations I've read that 
>> there are a lot of engine parser optimizations that haven't been tried 
>> because of the background compatibility problems present.
>> JavaScript was in this position as well 10 years ago when JavaScript modules 
>> were introduced with the ES6 syntax. Only recently have these modules 
>> finally begun to become first class members of node.js.  The existing 
>> CommonJS require mechanism remains and will remain in Node for the 
>> foreseeable future, but the ES6 syntax allows an opportunity to sidestep the 
>> issue. The most significant of these is JavaScript modules run in strict 
>> mode, which actually removes features that are problematic for the engine or 
>> make it difficult to create optimized code.
>> Something similar could be done in PHP, and that's what the remainder of 
>> this letter is about, but before I continue I want to make clear my vantage 
>> point: I am but a humble user of the code, I'm no expert on the 
>> underpinnings of the Zend engine. In the text to follow I'm going to make 
>> wrong calls on some things - maybe multiple things. I'm not married to 
>> anything here.  Further, even if I were a master of the engine and knew 
>> where to start, the scope of this is too large for any one person to 
>> undertake.
>> So all that said, I'll begin.
>> PHP User Modules are php files that are brought into the runtime through a 
>> new parser that is able to generate faster and more concise runtime code by 
>> removing support for problematic features and imposing a strict mode by 
>> default. They focus on PHP as a language and not as a template engine.
> FYI, in non-strict mode, this produces a deprecation warning that can be 
> caught and thrown from:
> (fn(int $x) => print($x))(123.456); // deprecation warning
> but this will work
> (fn(int $x) => print($x))(123.000); // this is fine
> Both of those are errors in strict types, so you might be tempted to do
> fn(int $x) => print($x))((int)$some_var);
> but $some_var might not actually be an integer-like (such as null or a string 
> that becomes zero).
> Some of us prefer the more strict, non-strict mode as the built-in strict 
> mode is actually ... uhh, problematic, to say the least, in some business 
> cases. So forcing strict mode is probably a non-starter.

If you want to see what I mean:

non-strict: https://3v4l.org/kZ09l
strict: https://3v4l.org/5kVSG

— Rob

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