On Thu, Jun 27, 2024 at 2:11 PM Deleu <deleu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Who would build it is an extremely key aspect of making changes to PHP.
> Ideas are hard enough to survive the RFC process when there's already an
> implementation. Finding a sponsor to work on this would be the first step.


> Given that ini settings are frowned upon nowadays, I think having a `<?php
> declare(modules=1);` for the initial file might make the idea more likely
> to pass a vote? Or maybe I'd even try to go one step further and say that
> whatever file is being executed by SAPI (the first PHP file) could be
> interpreted with a dumb lookahead. If the file has import / export syntax,
> treat it like PHP Module, otherwise fallback.

MKS Archive already pointed out that even this is unecessary. Just let the
landing file import the modules, even if that means it's a one line file.

> I'm not familiar enough with Javascript / Typescript ecosystem, but I've
> only ever seen / used the ability to import using direct filepath.

In the clientside up until recently direct filepath was the only way. That
changed with import maps


NodeJS has been doing something similar serverside for much longer with
CommonJS requires, which predate by a good 5 years the ES6 mechanism. As a
serverside language it now has to juggle both.

The resolution path I sketched out is based on how NodeJS works. Can that
be improved upon? Likely - it is confusing

> The fact there's weird behaviors as result of trying to import a file and
> suddenly a file all the way from `include_paths` or `php_modules` seems
> like a no-go to me. I'd favor using only simple file path navigation and if
> the file doesn't exist, error.
> Perhaps if the idea gains merit, Composer could offer something similar to
> Vite where we can create an alias to a specific folder and then import
> things like `from '@package/path/to/file`.

Composer would need a massive rewrite to be a part of this since it
currently requires the file once it determines it should do so. If we do a
system where import causes the parser to act differently then that alone
means imports can't be dealt with in the same manner as other autoloads.

>> This will of course require a package manager similar to composer to
>> become part of core. However, composer will not be eclipsed as the import
>> package manager (phppm?) is only concerned with user modules. These modules
>> must explicitly export any symbols being fetched from them, whereas
>> composer will continue to load files using require.
>> Imports can also be done against directories
>> ```
>> import foo from "mypackage"
>> ```
>> In this case the parser will look for "mypackage/index.php"
> I'm not fond of this either.
There will need to be a way to define the entrypoint php.  I think
index.php is reasonable, and if another entry point is desired it can be
called out -> "mypackage/myentry.php"

> ----------------
> Overall, I think PHP has already reached the limit of surviving with only
> PSR-4 and Composer. Single class files were a great solution to get us out
> of the nightmare of `require` and `import` on top of PHP files. But more
> than once I have had the desire to declare a couple of interfaces in a
> single file, or a handful of Enums, etc. It seems like PHP Modules could
> also address the issue with function autoloading and package-level
> visibility. I like the idea but I'm a bit skeptical until we have some
> buy-in from someone that could actually get this implemented.

That would be one of the larger hurdles, if not the largest.

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