On 28 June 2024 01:16:24 BST, Mike Schinkel <m...@newclarity.net> wrote:
> It may be an unpopular opinion, but I would argue that namespaces were 
> optimized for autoloading and the one class/interface per file paradigm

I don't see any particular relationship between namespaces and autoloading, or 
any reason we need to throw them away to introduce different conventions for 
loading files.

My opinions match Larry's almost exactly: I want package-level optimisation, 
and package-private declarations. But I don't want to rewrite my entire 
codebase to start using a completely different naming system. 

Not to mention that working with a combination of existing namespaced packages 
and "new shiny module" packages is going to be inevitable, so we can't just 
hand-wave that away.

>1. Adding a module/package system to PHP with modern module features

I find that "modern" often just means "fashionable". Please, let's be specific. 
What is different between imports and namespaces, and why is it a good thing?

What specifically stops us doing all the things you've been discussing around 
loading, and visibility, etc, in a way that's compatible with the 400_000 
packages available on Packagist, and billions of lines of existing code?

Rowan Tommins

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