> How about doubling integer precision to 64 bits and float/double precision
> to 128 bits? It's in line with 64 bit CPU capabilities, and personally, I
> wouldn't mind it a bit if it would make numerical processing in PHP slower
> on 32 bit systems. I think the advantages are much too great for that. If
> this is ever gonna happen, I think PHP6 would be great timing for it.
If there were such a type as 'zend_long' used universally that might be at
least possible (even configurable as a compile-time switch), but as it is
*EVERYTHING* that touches a zval expects a long.  On 32bit platforms that's
a 32-bit number and there's no trivial way to change that.

Athlon64s and Opterons are cheap nowadays anyway.  I picked up a MB/CPU
combo at Fry's last week for like $200.


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