Hello Jessie,

  yes and no. During 5.0 development i had private and protected inheritance
already and we voted against them. So i think we would vote against private
classes in namespaces as well.


Monday, November 28, 2005, 9:19:32 PM, you wrote:

> Marcus,

> In my patch, you can define the class as "private" inside the namespace, so
> it could only be derived by classes inside the same namespace
> (using/instantiating outside will trigger an error). This might solve your
> problem.

> Regards,

> Jessie

> "Marcus Boerger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> Hello Stanislav,
>> Monday, November 28, 2005, 9:10:55 PM, you wrote:
>> MB>>>'Config' or 'Setup' or alike then. But if i'd do that i'd be missing
>> MB>>>features like static classes.... the php workaround would be
> 'abstract
>> MB>>>final class'. Only:
>> > Why should it be final? Extending it won't do any problem AFAIU.
>> If it is not final you could derive the config class and then instanciate
>> it. Static classes which nicely fit into configuration stuff can never be
>> instanciated.
>> Best regards,
>>  Marcus

Best regards,

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