Hello Ilia,

Wednesday, May 17, 2006, 1:26:37 AM, you wrote:

> Inclusion of E_STRICT and E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR into E_ALL

I gave my best on this. But be sure. I'll just ignore any whining on
any change that has a E_STRICT in older versions when doing changes
in any version after 5.2.

Also before you think removing E_STRICT solves everything; Well it

While doing all the stuff we wanted for 5.2 we also added
E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR. This includes stuff that was E_ERROR before
hand. And right now we didn't even start to systematically convert
all error modes in the extension directory as we started to do in

That said you most likely have to fix your error_reporting anyway or
just don't care at all since you use settings that just work yor you.

An argument i heared was that some applications that deal with
error_reporting might get into trouble with this. I have a solution to
that: we simply revert all the engine changes, or even better simply
rebranch 5.1.4 again and do not do any progress other than fixing bugs
and focusing on PHP 6.0.

> Addition of support for dynamic statics ala: class foo {} foo::$bar = 1;

If we go that road i suggest we simply drop support for strict. Fixing
the issues we will run into is quite impossible and even if it were it
would lead to a slower php. A php that doesn't support strict at all
would on the other hand be quite a bit faster.

Best regards,

p.s: And no, i wouldn't take it personally if someone reverts all my
stuff as long as it is decided by the RM.

I would simply whine for the around 50 hours of unpaid work :-)

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