
Will all due respect, option C is what we did when it came to 5.1, except
instead of 5.3 it was 5.2. Sure, we can delay this indefinitely, but I for one would like some resolution on the issue. But if the general consensus is
to continue treading water, I guess we can do that too...

It is the less worst solution. We give a delay to our users to adapt
their code and consider a migration. Doing it from one minor release
to another does not give them any choice, they have to adapt all their
codes or stay with older releases. Without talking about people
without choices (upgrades are done "magically") their apps will break

I actually agree with Pierre here. There hasn't been a lot of warning, and if it can go into CVS immediately after the 5.2 release people will get time to prepare for it better. The extension will also get more chance for testing before it goes out as part of a release, meaning it stands a better chance of reaching the world as a stable piece of code.

But then, if the goal is to move out of the water. I'd to go to go
without compromises: Remove it period.

Anyway, I find pathetic that we are still arguing about that. We never
agreed to do it and Derick should have followed the instructions. We
need 5.2 out, a dummy Date class will not bring anything but troubles,
now or later, no matter its name.

It's not a dummy class at this stage, that's why I'm all for the testing-during-release-cycle part.

- Steph


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