On Sun, August 13, 2006 9:15 am, Pierre wrote:
> On 8/13/06, Matt W <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Not reasonable or safe?  Then why were the other bugs fixed instead
>> of being
>> marked "Bogus" if array_count_values() was *supposed* to behave
>> differently
>> in 5?
> Safe as it will not break working php5 code. Changing this behavior
> now can break many things out there (for php 5 users, php4 users are
> out of my worries for this problem). What I mean is that we should
> first check the impact and see why this change has been done (I
> remember something like a valid reason, but did not get the time to
> verify).
> In short, it is just what I said in the previous discussion, such
> changes must be done carefully and with a huge amount of test cases
> (and stick to them). I'm not choosing one solution or another, only
> saying that the decision should be taken carefully and generally.

While I agree the change should be carefully reviewed, I must wonder
why the millions upon millions of lines of code in 4.x are going to be
ignored here...

What rationale is there for breaking the BC?

Obviously you think it should be broken -- I just don't understand why...

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