What's to say /drive/smb or letter:// is not an SMB device? Also why break perfectly valid applications that perform operations on networked file systems?

On 5-Nov-06, at 11:41 AM, Peter Brodersen wrote:


On Sun, 5 Nov 2006 11:23:03 -0500, in php.internals [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(Ilia Alshanetsky) wrote:

I think it's a fair assumption that a random host specified in that
way be treated as suspicious and lumped in under the
disable-includes-by-default category.

What's random? Non localhost/ ?

Actually any smb server that is requested thorugh PHP's means of
fetching a resource (\\smbserver\...) instead of a device mount in the
operating system (e.g. Z:\ ...).

- Peter Brodersen

Ilia Alshanetsky

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