Hello Marcus,
>   that's plain wrong what you wrote. First PHP license is OSI Approved and
> for that defintively does not violate any OSI recommendation. Besides that
We will see how OSI explains how a discriminating license can be OSI
> read the paragraph again and again. You will eventually find out that the
> act of disallowing to use the term "php" in any of their names to whomever
> by the php-group does not violate definition part 5. In fact that tells you
> that php-group must allow anyone to contribute, which they do. Noone has
I suggest that you read it again and again:
The license must not discriminate against any person or group of persons.

This means the license MUST NOT have different rules for different kinds
of people. Those in favour of PHP Group and those not.

> any term in any license means some restiction that only applies to
> certain people. ups.
This is plain nonsense. Other licenses pretty much make it clear that
ANYONE has to follow the same rules.

> p.s.: Instead of discussing stuff that is better of with layers you guys
> should contribute to open source....in the spirit of open source...
The spirit of open source is NOT that those in favour of the PHP Group
can abuse the PHP Project for whatever they want. Like advertise their
own companies.

Stefan Esser

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