Wez Furlong wrote:
On 5/7/07, Lester Caine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
No one has time to work on the
Firebird PDO driver because we still need the main driver to provide the
functions PDO does not support.

Umm, no.  Nobody has time for firebird because nobody uses it.
I ask people about Firebird at each conference and I've never had more
than about 1 in 50 people admit to ever having used it, and those are
shaky hands going up--we're not talking die-hard firebird users here.

As for PDO missing pieces for Firebird, that's also untrue.

Perhaps you don't understand the PDO architecture, but PDO was
designed by taking into account every database client API; it has
hooks to cater for just about every conceivable way of passing data
into and out of a database API.

It's the firebird driver that needs work.

No Wez - As far as I am concerned I need to load the non PDO driver for those areas that PDO does not support. As well as the PDO driver for the data based stuff *IF* I wanted to go down that route. But at present there is no good reason to switch.

User security, Event management, Services interface functions are not data based and while some of those functions are being moved into the Firebird SQL, things like Events can not go that route.

Now you may think that everything at the database end should be controlled via SQL, and that is probably the case, but as we have discussed long ago, *WE* still need ADOdb to provide the SQL abstraction so there is little incentive to work on PDO/Firebird/ADOdb when the current Firebird/ADOdb combination is fine and are currently working ( and ADOdbLite is the 'compact' version ). While ADOdb does support PDO, the best performance is still obtained with the raw drivers for each engine. If we are NOT working with multiple engines, then we work with the raw driver so again there is little need to spend scarce time replacing something that is working and has more facilities.

So until you provide a very good reason why we need to change - it's not going to happen. BLOB and parameter handling in the raw Firebird driver are a lot more flexible and simply sending a query with an optional array of parameters is much easier than HAVING to prepare everything - especially when the engine will cache things automatically anyway.

PDO simply changes the ground rules without solving any particular problem as has been said all along. Now you may well convince people that all the native drivers should be dropped from PHP and only PDO supplied but I hope that does not happen and that we have a PROPER debate on an abstract database layer.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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L.S.Caine Electronic Services - http://home.lsces.co.uk
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