On Thu, 14 Jun 2007, Pierre wrote:

> Hi Jani,
> On 6/14/07, Jani Taskinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > During Derick's talk about PHP 6 at PHP Vikinger, I started to wonder
> > what exactly was the reasoning behind adding something like
> > "unicode.semantics" option. Derick didn't remember, neither did I.
> > 
> > Apparently it's another one of these "register_globals" or
> > "magic_quotes_*" directives we'll remove in PHP 7? :D
> > 
> > I mean, if PHP 6 is about unicode, why upgrade to PHP 6 and disable it?
> > Just stay with PHP 5 then..
> Apparently there is a certain amount of users (undefined/undefinable
> masses) who like to use PHP6 new features (?) without unicode.

I guess you're using the "?" to point out that there are no new features 
(besides Unicode)? :) 

> The arguments were about the incompatibilities (the zend fatal errors 
> are likely to cause more troubles :) and performance.
> I was one who likes to have a single mode: unicode.

Yup, here as well.


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