On Mon, 9 Jul 2007, Nicolas Bérard-Nault wrote:

> Permit me to give my 2 cents on that and share my small bit of experience
> with PHP 6.
> First of all, I totally agree with you Antony. I'm currently working on
> deploying a big codebase in PHP 6 (for those of you who didn't know, I'm the
> GSoC student working on refactoring Jaws for PHP 6) and my head started to
> ache when I began understanding all the complications of the unicode
> implementation as it is right now. Basically, having that
> unicode.semanticsPHP_INI switch just totally kills the fun because I
> have to have a working
> application if it is ON or OFF.

Why? Just state that it only works when it is turned ON - I am pretty 
sure that that's the way we'll go.

> Long story short, this forces me to
> explicitly define each string as either binary or unicode, which doesn't
> make any "PHP sense". It's actually the first time I'm forced to explicitly
> specify a variable type in PHP and I'm not sure I'm the only one who's not
> happy about this. I like the unicode support and really appreciate all the
> work that's been done on it but I absolutely think it should be implemented
> without that headache/pain in the ass switch that'll make transition even
> tougher for everyone.

That I agree with :)


Derick Rethans
http://derickrethans.nl | http://ez.no | http://xdebug.org

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