On Mon, July 9, 2007 1:41 pm, Andrei Zmievski wrote:
> Once again, you're trying to work with bytes inside Unicode strings,
> which just does not make sense.

>From our perspective, you've gone and changed a fundamental data
structure out from under us, in a non-backwards-compatible way, and
broken a whole bunch of working code, for a feature we don't use, and
can't turn off [*]

This is said without rancor nor animosity, but to explain why we (and
many users) are going to have a very high wtf factor with this.

* Assuming a shared-host environment budget and external factors make
moving to a different host impossible.

I think the PHP core developers frequently forget that there are a LOT
of PHP developers/users out there with severe budget constraints that
just don't have the kinds of resources you are presuming are available
to "solve" the problems being created here...

I can always find a host who will do what I want with enough effort,
but a LOT of users will just give up on PHP 6 and stick with 5 (or 4
even) rather than do that...

Some people have a "gift" link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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