> It sounds like your libraries are definitely oriented towards working
> with binary strings, rather than Unicode strings. So, I am not sure
> why you have unicode.semantics turned on then. If you turn it off,
> you will get backwards compatibility with PHP 5. And if you do that,
> you can still create and work on Unicode strings, programmatically.

I've never asked to turn on unicode.semantics. I've asked to give controls
of unicode.semantics to scripts (PHP_INI_ALL) or at least give me some
options to turn it off within a script. I don't control PHP version used
by end user and there is a theoretical possibility that end user will use
PHP6 with unicode.semantics=on. So I've tested scripts in
unicode.semantics=on setup. They broke. Lots of notices, broken
authentication functions, etc.

I want to make sure that I have enough controls to reduce side effects of
unicode.semantics=on. Currently I can only ask end user to turn it off
with php_admin_flag or in php.ini.


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