>>>> Unicode code points can be defined with \u, but PHP6 breaks
>>>> existing  octal and hex escape sequences.
>> I don't understand what this means...
> I think I know...
> I have code like this, somewhere:
> if (preg_match("|[\xF0-\xFF]|", $data)){
>   $data = un_microsuck($data);
> }
> un_microsuck() basically detects and converts any of the goof-ball
> extended ASCII from MS products (Word, Outlook, etc) to an HTML
> equivalent character.
> But now \xF0 isn't going to be ASCII 128 anymore, is it?

\xF0 never was ASCII. ASCII (ISO-646) is 7bit character set. \xF0 is
decimal 240. It is 8bit.

> Or maybe \xF0 will "work" but the octal \360 won't?

Are you sure that you can't do that by setting unicode.something_encoding
to iso-8859-1 or windows-1252?


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