Ilia Alshanetsky wrote:

On 16-Jul-07, at 9:46 AM, Andi Gutmans wrote:

Why move it to PECL? I agree that PCRE is the preferred way but not
having ereg() will break a huge amount of applications for very little

I tend to agree, unless we provide wrappers via PCRE that emulate ereg functionality I don't think we can remove posix regex until PHP 6.

Doing before PHP6 would require some very very solid wrappers. Giving the little phpt coverage (*) we currently seem to have for ereg, I do not think its really possible to be able to even determine if any attempt at a wrapper is truely solid or not.


(*) Actually I heard this said on IRC. I do not see an ext/ereg on .. are the available tests part of regexp?

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