Stanislav Malyshev wrote:
> > working with a large library and have to import a lot of classes, the
> > way this works is nothing but a pain. We would be better off not using
> > namespaces at all, in this case. Thus, the problem has not been solved.
> Once more, you DO NOT have to import a lot of classes. Please do read
> what I write. You SHOULD NOT import classes in global space. Namespaces
> are NOT the way to bring all classes in global space, and it should not
> be done.

OK, so suppose I want to have four namespaces for my project:
MyApp for some shared code,

Now in many places in my code in Model I'd use some ORM library - let's assume 
it's similar to python's SQLAlchemy. Now is there any way for me to have 
access **in Model namespace** to all classes from SQLAlchemy namespace 
without using

import SQLAlchemy::Column
import SQLAlchemy::Table
import SQLAlchemy::Join
import SQLAlchemy::ForeignKey
import SQLAlchemy::Session
import SQLAlchemy::Transaction

and tens of other classes? I know your patch makes it possible to use fully 
qualified names everywhere.

Paweł Stradomski

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