Hello Hans,

Sunday, October 14, 2007, 1:11:35 PM, you wrote:

> I will do so, but i will have to modify it to work with the current php
> version and I wanted to know if everybody hates this way of method 
> overloading first.

> Btw: We made some benchmark tests when we decided to use it. And the
> method calls were about 0.1 Percent slower. But without having to check or
> escape every parameter anymore it even boosts performance for us, since we
> really try to build very robust applications and because of that check all
> parameters that could be problematic.

> But if you write quick and dirty code without thinking about sql
> injections or other problems and not checking anyhting, it is definitly a
> bit slower (about 0.1 percent of a normal method call).

> But I think this loss of performance is worth it since the current way of
> php's mixture of strict OO + traditional loose typing is really shooting
> PHP in the foot. (Nobody will ever really use typehinting when he want's
> to offer a number of ways to use a method).

Reading this it occurs to me that you are on a completely wrong track. PHP
is untyped for a good reason. It was a choice to deal with the untyped web
environment. Later we added type hints to help code readability. Yet OOP is
only a small apspect of PHP and always will be. That said the language for
you would probably have another one. Also type hinting and overloading do
not in any way free you from filtering and escaping. If you think so you may
test your code again and hopefuly not find too many security holes.

The reason I asked for performance impact is that in general we do not like
to add features that are not necessary for the web environment but have a
negative impact on it. Also reading of an impact of 0.1 percent seems very
strange as basically anything below 2% is close to the measurable limit and
the onlt way to measure such tiny impacts would be counting assembled
instructions using callgrind.

Last but not least we added typehints to enable developers to generate
better understandable error messages. These go especially well with the
typical easy PHP application designs and PHPs stack trace ability in
exception handling.


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