On Fri, 30 Nov 2007, Dan Scott wrote:

> In that case, you should:
> 1) Have a legal entity that you can assign copyright to (PHP Group and
> PHP Documentation Group are not legal entities and therefore cannot
> hold copyright) and

Actually, I think the issue is more that:

> > > However, a ~couple months ago IBM gave permission to remove this
> > > copyright (because the authors are listed as general contributors,
> > > thus representing IBM) although we've not yet implemented this
> > > removal. We did [temporary] remove it about six months ago but...

There is no requirement in most countries* to show that something is 
copyrighted, as it's a basic right. It's protected by default, so the 
whole "© 2005  IBM Corporation" is unnecessary. None of the other 
contributers ever required something like this.
* Atleast in the Netherlands, and what I gather from wikipedia also in 
the US through the Berne convention 



Derick Rethans
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