On 29 Nov 2007, at 7:49 PM, Steph Fox wrote:

So, what, exactly, is the fuss all about?

Richard, the problem with a CLA (moral quibbles apart) is it prevents any of the core contributors doing anything with the code. As in:

+# PDO Specs. CLA required to commit

That's what 'unavail' means.

Surely all this "us/them", "silence behind doors", etc., is just FUD?

Show me where there's been any open discussion and I'll agree with you.

If IBM, or anyone, wants to submit code to PHP it can only improve things.

Sure, but if IBM, or anyone, wants to prevent the people who work on the PHP core from touching that code don't you think there might be a teensy bit of an issue there?

We do have peer-review after all.

Not on CLA'd code we don't.

Steph the CLA seems to just relate to the docbook xml specifications for PDO.


- Steph
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