On Fri, 2007-12-07 at 15:55 -0500, Sam Barrow wrote:
> Very good point
> namespace stuff ;
> {
>       function myfunction() {
>               return true ;
>       }
> }
> That would actually work, but it's not quite the same as you have the
> semicolon after the namespace declaration, which looks kind of stupid.
> Overall i dont think braces are a bad idea.
> People say multiple namespaces per file are confusing, but braces would
> partially solve this. If using braces makes multiple namespaces per file
> more likely, I say that's the way to go, as I am very much in favor of
> multiple namespaces per file.

As I've said previously, I'm neutral to the namespace thing. I imagine
I'll realize advantages in the future, but given that I try to keep my
code backward compatible until the death of a version, I don't think
I'll be using them until about 2012. However, having said that, I would
also have to say I'm in the braces camp. The above example while
perfectly valid, is an obvious hack and throws a little WTF factor at
anyone viewing it :)

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