<snip />

That wasn't what I meant, I'm sorry if it came over that way.

I used PHP for quite a while before using any object oriented stuff.
When I was ready, I started doing object oriented programming.

That's pretty normal :)

Also, I didn't say we should throw away loose typing. This is not at all
strict typing. This is optionally type hinting specified function
arguments. There is a big difference.

There is and there isn't. Say you're a junior developer in your first job, if your team happens to use that option and you never used it before in your life, how steep is your learning curve going to be?

How complicated is it? Is it any worse than array type hinting? Should
we sacrifice functionality in order to make it as easy as possible to
master PHP?

How is it sacrificing functionality? Personally I'm totally unconvinced of the need for type hinting beyond object considerations; array type hinting was a step towards the breach for me. You see it the entirely opposite way. Who's right or wrong isn't the real issue here; it's more a case of who's right _at this moment in time, for this language and for its users_. I see a language that became successful because it is easily learned. You see a language that isn't successful enough because it doesn't do... what? (This is the point I'm failing to grasp.) Either way, any new features agreed on the list this month aren't likely to be part of standard PHP development practice for literally years, so we're also both guessing wildly at what will or won't have been the right decision 5 years from now.

Programming is hard. If you have enough intelligence to call yourself a
PHP Developer then you can surely understand the difference between an
integer and a string.

Because you can doesn't mean you should. The web doesn't know that difference.

Ok, if you say so. But I see many PHP developers/users pushing for type
hinting. Even if I was a naive list lurking PHP beginner who has only
written a couple of classes, I am not necessarily wrong because of it.

I agree with you there. I do, however, think that on the internals list it'd be more to the point to hear from internals developers on the matter. Raise issues by all means, but what's actually happening in this case is that we've heard from 3 internals developers (I missed Pierre's mail earlier) in a thread that has gathered over 60 emails in - in my timezone - a single evening. Most of the dev team won't have time to read such a long thread...

- Steph

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