On Jan 6, 2008 9:55 PM, Stefan Priebsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Pierre schrieb:
> > When a method or function uses the strict typing, it is on purpose. It
> > is documented (self documented and hopefully using normal docs). There
> > is no need of error handling, it is an usage error and should raise a
> > E_{whatever}, be happy, it will not be fatal as it is now in all these
> > OO strictness (with or without good reasons :).
> Sorry, but I don't understand you. Why is there no need of error
> handling?

I meant in user land, like adding tests and raising exception or an error.

> Clearly, it's a runtime error, which I either have to handle
> or I have my program "crash" at some nonsense value. Wouldn't exactly
> make me happy ;-)

me neither :) But it is not something you can take care of (error is
raised before your method/function gets the hand).

Other reponses in this thread also confirmed why I rather prefer a
strict-strict hinting instead of applying our current string to
numeric magic conversion. One can see it as inconsistent but I tend to
see it as more logical and reduce the wtf factor.

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